More and more churches in Germany are standing empty. What happens to them? Church rooms have a very special atmosphere. And so a lot is happening here: musicians and sound artists are discovering church spaces for themselves and filling them with new sounds. With ambient concerts and sound installations, for example. But electronic music and experiments with the organ are also popular, e.g. in the churches of St. Gertrud or St. Peter in Cologne.
In his audio report, Friedemann takes a look for himself. He visits churches and congregations, even those that are not empty. He finds out what is special about the location and which artists prefer the sacred halls instead of raves in the club. Among others, he also meets church musician and artist Luis Weiß.
Author: Friedemann Dupelius
urbanana Jingle: Bukez Finezt/Phil Phader
photos: Friedemann Dupelius, Luis Weiß, Brutalism Cologne
You would love to see a sample of this church music? Check out Cologne Brutalism’s instagram profile: